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Collaborative Research and Dissemination (CORD) is an independent education research group that seeks to articulate the problems of the disadvantaged through field-based research. Our research dates back to 1994, when a larger team of researchers from various universities and institutions came together to bring out a public report on the status of basic education in India. The outcome was the publication of PROBE (Public Report on Basic Education, OUP-Delhi, 1996) in English and later in Hindi.

Officially registered as a trust in May 2003. CORD’s primary research interest has been education. Our team has also worked on research projects in other areas including gender, health and labour. CORD believes in multidisciplinary and collaborative research that can involve communities and spark policy advocacy and action.


Social Science research is about constantly revising what is known and you only know what you display. Expositions made to the adda, the sounding boards, and the circle of argumentative colleagues add much more to research than will ever be acknowledged. Often too, the research in progress raises multiple questions. These questions may not fit into the research design but open up tantalizing new areas for inquiry and engagement. 

The CORD blog is a space for researchers to sound out and engage with ideas, pick apart research design questions, share field insights, and put down those distractingly exciting questions that arise in the process of conducting field-based research. We welcome you to join the discussion. 


Anuradha De

Anuradha De is Director, CORD. She is an economist by training and has been involved in research on issues related to education, labour and governance. Her particular focus has been on education statistics and finance.

Meera Samson

Meera Samson, an economist by training, is Director and Senior Researcher at CORD. She is among the authors of the PROBE and PROBE Revisited studies and was earlier Editor at Oxford University Press. 

Claire Noronha

Claire is Director and co-founder, CORD. As a member of the PROBE team she was closely involved in the research and report writing for PROBE. Qualitative data analysis, teaching and research are her areas of expertise.  

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